Entrance :
The teacher said, “What is Keloğlan like? How is she dressed? Who do you know who dresses like Keloğlan?” He directs the questions to the students and listens to the answers, then tells the students one of the Anatolian tales. The meanings of the words “salwar, wooden spoon, halay, carik” in this tale are asked and their foreknowledge is checked. Afterwards, questions about their region are asked and the answers are listened to.
The teacher asked whether they knew Keloğlan or not, “What is your favorite feature of Keloğlan?” raises questions. “Have you ever listened to Keloğlan’s folk songs? “After asking a question like “, he makes children listen to a few folk songs that Rüştü Asya sang in one of his Keloğlan films.
What is the reason for the decrease in interest in folk songs today? What can be done to prevent this?” questions are asked, answers are heard.
“Do you know Turkish stories?” Let’s research a folk song story and present it to the class.
Let’s share the stanzas of the Çanakkale folk song among the groups and present them to the class. Finally, the parts of the folk songs that are read part by part will be combined in a single video.
Explanation :
During the explanation phase, videos about our cultural elements and the lives of our artists are watched from past to present. Pictures are displayed on the web. For example: Neset Ertaş, Aşık Veysel …
At this stage, the teacher can have the students watch a documentary about our cultural elements. Cultural elements and detailed explanation, missing information is completed.
Elaborate :
It is associated with STEM.
• Mathematics integration:
Coding “STEM folk songs” from numbers:
Starting from Aşık Veysel’s poem “I’m on a long and thin road”, students are asked to pose and solve problems with the help of the numbers of the terms “syllable, word, string” in the poem. Thanks to the number to be obtained at the end of the solution, the letters in the alphabet are coded. Since there are 8 groups and each group finds one or two letters and the last group finds the last letter, the keyword “STEM folk songs” is reached. In the activity, the desired number and then the corresponding letter in the alphabet are reached by performing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations. Then, the students demonstrate the letter reached and the mathematical operation performed in the classroom by explaining the steps of the operation. The obtained works are sorted piece by piece as “STEM folk songs”.

Folk dance object graphic:
A joke is told about Nasreddin Hodja. The meaning of the word “çarık ” in the paragraph is investigated. The places where the carriage is used are mentioned. Then, our traditional clothes are mentioned and our knowledge about folk dances is checked. The data obtained by making a short research about our favorite folk dances in the classroom is collected and shown by making object graphs. Object graphics are made with students in Canva. With the help of the graph obtained, the problem is established and solved by the class.

• Technology integration:
The puzzle prepared in the puzzel.org web 2 tool is solved together with all students and the key word “STEM folk songs” is reached with the coded letters. Our aim is to enable the students who reach certain letters as a group in the previous math activity to see step by step which words they will reach in the individual puzzle solution, to make predictions and to make use of web 2 tools while doing this.

Engineering Integration :
Problem statement: In any part of our country, there are children who lost their babies or musical instruments, who were damaged in the earthquake. Let’s design a doll design or a musical instrument for them.
Maracas Design:
As the musical instrument design, the maracas design was decided. By using waste materials, students who want recycled materials can do it at home, and students who want can do it in the classroom. They will have done free activities by cutting, sticking, painting and decorating as they want. Their hand skills will also be improved. The maracas will be used by keeping the rhythm accompanied by the folk song “Burcak field”.

Based on the theme of “23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day” and “Atatürk”, information about “Cultural Elements” is reinforced. Then, the concepts that come to mind when we think of 23 April National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 23 April, and the students complete the preparation process for the subject.
In addition, with the help of answergarden web 2 tool, “What comes to your mind when you say April 23 and Atatürk?” The answers given on the question are answered by all students.

It is a learning scenario with the desire to embark on a journey based on the roots of our past together. It aims to transform the new generation children into individuals who adhere to their traditions and customs, who can respond to all the needs of the age, and who are equipped with 21st century skills. It is based on raising individuals who can take safe steps by combining their creativity and curiosity with their own cultural elements.
Thanks to the cooperation of the STEM approach with the 5E learning model, it is aimed to increase the sensitivity to science and technology. The 5E learning model includes the stages of entrance, exploration, explanation, elaborate , and evaluation. There are activities that include information that each student can obtain through research, observation and examination at every stage.
AUTHOR: PINAR ALTINKAYA, Primary School Teacher
FOUNDERS : Pınar ALTINKAYA, Halil Akgün İlkokulu, Akdeniz MERSİN
Emel ELDENİZ, Sakarya İlkokulu, Akdeniz MERSİN
PARTNERS : Meryem Bostancı , Zeki Sabah İlkokulu, Akdeniz MERSİN
Nilay SERTEL, Şehit Hamza Çavuş İlkokulu, Çorlu TEKİRDAĞ
Tuba BİÇER, Camili İlkokulu, Akdeniz MERSİN
Ayşe AKKUŞ, Mehmet Fatih Deveci İlkokulu, Akdeniz MERSİN
Bengisu KAYA, Suphi Öner İlkokulu, Akdeniz MERSİN
Fatiş SARAÇOĞLU, Sakarya İlkokulu, Akdeniz MERSİN
paltinkaya30 Nisan 2022Genel