Creating Ecological Nature-Based Solutions to Urban Problems

Dates When It Occurred: 03.01.2021- 4.19.2021

Teacher and School: Gülümser Şentürk Akkoyun– Meram Şehit Pilot Ayfer Gök Middle School – Konya / Turkey

Student Age: 13 -14 years

Number Of Students: 16

Teaching Method:

Formal Teacher Lecture, Analogy, Demonstration Method, Lecture, Discussion, Question and Answer, Problem / Problem-Solving, brainstorming.

Teaching Qualifications:

Productive, Respectful to Self Values, Rational, Questioning, Creative, Complying with Ethical Rules, Sensitivity to the Environment, Managing Knowledge, Working Independently, Critical Thinking, Working in Teams.


This lesson plan includes STEM, NBS-PBS models. It is an ecological, renewable, nature friendly urban design for sustainable development. Students made original designs and worked collaboratively. Plan purpose; to create ecological life with renewable energy sources for a livable world. It is about transforming energy and building biomimic structures. Coding, we used 3D Tinkercad and Arduino. We followed the Hybrid Education system with web 2 tools for distance education.

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Garbage Museum Application Story


Students: 6-9 years

The results of this activity with primary school students are as follows:

First of all, the students discovered the environment. We asked some questions to the students. Can you do something about the garbage? What are recyclable materials and what are the measures to be taken for less waste?
We did an online course activity through Zoom and asked some questions. We shared photos of our natural and artificial products with Padlet.
Students thought and designed what they could do with artificial materials for the “Garbage Museum”. They organized an online exhibition for the resulting natural and artificial objects. I wanted them to explore the environment, realize the damage they caused to the environment, find solutions to these problems and exhibit the concrete examples they prepared in the museum.

A selection of images from the project practice– The images are the author’s own –(Attribution CC-BY)
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