Our daily challenge as disseminators of scientific knowledge is to bring this knowledge to the students in a meaningful way, so that this facilitates that, through an internal process, they use it in the development of a competence. This is the main reason for organising a science fair.

It has been a pleasure to participate in the inauguration of the Second fair of science of Tarifa, showing the project of “Physics and Flamenco”, a winner of Diverciencia 2017 and Science in Action 2017. With this project not only the physics is transmitted in a significant way of sound, but also the transformation of something physical, like sound, into something as human as art, in this case flamenco, representative of Andalusian culture and intangible heritage of humanity. Thanks to Ana Villaescusa Lamet, Andrés Luis Martín, Ezequiel Andréu and Manuel Salazar Miranda.