Author: Mihaela Elena Balint
The rainbow in the bible is a symbol for hope, new beginnings, promises that must be kept. After the Flood, God promised to Noah that He will never destroy mankind again. In fact, there would be no need for any divine intervention. Giving people free will, God made them able to destroy themselves. The entire world is now in a challenging situation. The humankind is forced to re-evaluate its position in relation to nature and the path we choose to go in the future. These days the rainbow becomes a symbol that Everything will be alright! It is up to all of us for these words to turn into reality.
For the activity “Rainbows in my kitchen”, children drew, painted and made a lot of rainbow crafts. They made different types of rainbows with a scientific touch.
Materials used:
- Salt with big crystals
- Food colourings, Easter egg dye, or simply painting colours
- Jar or paper cups for each colour of the rainbow
- Spoons
- Paper plates (optional, however, the salt will dry more rapidly on plates)
- Water
- A nice bottle or tall jar
- Some ribbons for decoration.