STEM ADVENTURE BEGINS – Heritage of the Future – Our Seeds


An increase in air temperatures, an increase in carbon dioxide ratio, melting of glaciers, an increase in storms, drought and desertification have revealed the reality of climate change. In order for our world to be livable in the future, it is necessary to raise awareness for the fight against climate change. For this, relevant gains should be provided at a young age.

Climate change is a problem that affects all countries of the world. Decrease in water resources, deterioration of soil quality and ecosystem, decrease in biological diversity, decrease in quality in agricultural production, fertilization and spraying problems occur. It has created anxiety for the future in people. With this activity, we aimed to raise awareness of pre-school children (4-6 years old) about climate change, to gain the importance of recycling, to establish seed banks, to make compost from household wastes, to make mini-agriculture in our homes and to observe the formation of plants.

Picture provided by with authorization to be shared – Attribution CC-BY
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Fairy Garden

Author: Judit Fuko

About the project

The STEM activities are parts of a bigger project. Our fairy garden project started in June 2019. This is an international project that we founded, joined by 70 educators from 22 countries, ranging from Tunisia to the UK, and fantastic work has been done on the project.

It is impressive that, although schools have been closed in almost all countries, after the application of digital education, the partners continue to work steadily with their partners in other countries in difficulty.

7 – 10 years old students create a fairy garden. The children get acquainted with fairy tales and present their folk tales to partners in other countries. They compare them. Each class creates a real fairy garden in their classroom, who didn’t have the opportunity, in their home. We organize a virtual treasure hunt on the Internet. Each school takes photos of the completed mini-garden, then combine them to finally create a common book of our “Magical Fairy Garden”.

Fairy tales around the world

From February till the end of April we have reached the stage of the project when we have already become acquainted with the tales of other nations. During February, each partner selected a tale, illustrated it and made a joint book.

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