We Make Our Own Recycled Paper

Factors such as increasing environmental degradation, population growth, production and consumption activities, and deforestation in recent years have brought global climate change to the agenda of the whole world. In order to limit global climate change, the idea of sustainable development has been put forward. With sustainable development , it is aimed to use the current resources of the world by taking into account the needs of future generations and to ensure the sustainability of life on earth. One of the fields that will contribute to sustainable development is recycling. Recycling reduces the use of natural resources and saves energy. In this activity, it is aimed that students distinguish recyclable materials, realize the environmental and economic benefits of recycling, and develop critical thinking, analytical thinking and problem solving skills. The starting point of our activity is to raise awareness so that students throw their papers in the recycling bins instead of throwing them away at school . For this purpose, the students collected their own waste paper and recycled paper was made in the laboratory.

Duration: 120 minutes

Age: 13-14 years

Lesson Event

At the beginning of the lesson, the students were shown the recycling symbol via the smart board, and their attention was drawn to the subject by asking what this symbol means. Students have previously used this symbol in textbooks, internet, TV, newspaper, magazine, etc. they easily answered “recycle” as you might have seen it in the sources. Short-term brainstorming was done by asking the students on which products this symbol is used and why it is important.

A classroom discussion was held by asking the students about the environmental benefits of recycling. The discussion then continued about the economic benefits of recycling.

  • air pollution at the rate of 74-94%
  • water pollution at the rate of 35%
  • water use is 45%

They were reminded of the information that 1 ton of waste paper prevents 17 trees from being cut down.

At this stage, the students were asked how the paper recycling process could be simple. We focused on what stages the paper goes through during recycling. A classroom discussion was held about how we can make our own paper from used waste paper. Then, together with the students, we moved on to the paper making activity, which was prepared one day in advance.



  • Wooden frame (an old photo frame)
  • A net with fine holes (insect screen)
  • Large basin
  • Blender
  • Sponge
  • Cloth (an old towel)

Preliminary Preparation of the Event:

One week before this lesson, students are given home-use tests, homework, etc. I told them to bring the photocopy papers to school. The day before the lesson, we cut the used papers into small pieces with the students and put them in a bucket full of water and wet them. This process allowed the papers to soak in water for a day and soften.

Making the Activity:

1. We stretched and glued the fine mesh wire inside the photo frame.

2. We shredded the pieces of paper we had soaked the day before with a blender and turned them into pulp.

3. We mixed the pulp by throwing it into a basin full of water.

4. We dipped the wire frame into the pulp bowl and let the pulp accumulate on the frame.

5. We took the frame out of the basin and kept it on an old towel.

6. We pressed a sponge on the frame so that it absorbed the excess water in the dough.

7. We let our paper dry for two days, then our recycled paper was ready.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7


The students were asked how the properties of recycled papers such as durability, flexibility, writing and drawing are like. At this stage, I asked the students to examine the paper. It was reminded that the recycling process of paper in paper recycling factories is similar to the experiment. Students are made to realize that waste paper is not garbage, but is a raw material for making new paper. Awareness is created by asking students how much waste paper is thrown into the paper collection boxes at school and how much is thrown into the trash cans.


project logo


Şebnem Gençtürk, a science teacher, conducted this study with 10 teachers and 78 students from 8 different schools.In the last few years, we have needed to explore and understand the power of nature more. We have volunteered to be aware of and protect the opportunities that the world we live in offers us. Who are we? All of us partners of the eTwinning project “STEAM for Green Nature”.

We crossed paths with some of them in the “Digital Science” eTwinning project last year and this year we continue to work on the project with new partners. We made our project application in January and started STEM learning scenario activities in February. Our projeject will finish on April 30. The basis of our work is a STEAM learning scenario. We apply the steps of the learning scenario in our schools.

My learning scenario is below link.


Aim of the project

Our aim with our project is to raise awareness for a sustainable climate, first among our students and then in a larger audience. To explain the importance of our students adapting less harmful activities to climate change into their future lifestyles. When we started the project preparations to popularize STEAM studies, we determined studies suitable for the participation of our colleagues from different branches. Because, the “Global Climate Crisis” is a problem for all of us. We worked with teachers from Science, Social Studies, and English branches. In addition, our group teachers, and visual and technical design teachers in our schools also supported us.

In the implementation of the learning scenario, we carried out our work both face-to-face and remotely. Mixed country teamwork and collaborative work were also included in our work.


There are many activities in our scenario, which we integrated with our course topics. After the pre-test we applied, our students prepared posters and logos. We constantly updated our activities according to the decisions we made with our partners and students at our monthly meetings.Our partners attended seminars for the safe internet day, and each school organized seminars for its own students.

Expert Support

As expert support, we have planned an online seminar with the responsible of the Turkish Anti-Erosion and Afforestation (TEMA) Foundation. ITU Environmental Engineering Environment Club made an online presentation on “Tears of Water” to our students on World Water Day.


outdoor activity

We did an outdoor activity. With the Plantnet phone application, our students became aware of the diversity of plants in our school’s garden.

Outdoor activity with PLANTNET app


Students designed products from recycling materials to explain that waste is also valuable.

Product from recycling materials


We went to the “Botanical Garden” and “Nature Park” with our students.


make a song

Another of our activities we sang songs in our classrooms during world forest week. Our students prepared slogans. Than, they chose the most popular slogans from these slogans. Rap songs were made with the most popular slogans among the slogans so, we created a collaborative product with the web2.0 tool.

Project Rap song

mixed shool team activities

In addition, for the World Water Day, we created a board with the students in our groups formed from mixed country teams. We created a calendar from the pages we prepared as a board.



At carbon footprint activity, we had our students watch videos to explain what activities result from the carbon we give to nature. After that, they calculated their carbon footprint and water footprint.

Carbon footprint

Exhibited our works and presentation

School board- Exhibition

We collaborated with the group teachers and decorated our school boards with the activities of all classes. Our students in the project conducted research on climate change and shared what they learned with their friends in other classes in our school with the presentations they prepared.


write your story

Pupils wrote a story about climate change as a collaborative product. They turned the story in to a cartoon with the Pixton web2.0 tool.

Story with Pixton

Our students created videos about what kind of world they want to live in. They prepared the videos with the Toontastic web 2.0 tool.

My Dream World


At this activity, pupils made bioplastics. Than, one of our students videotaped his work to show the construction stages at meeting.


Facebook, Instagram, youtube channels, and the school website to disseminate our work. Also, we have benefited from Whatsapp groups for both communication and sharing our work.

On April 15-16, Turkey II. We attended the Scientix workshop and introduced our project. Also, we shared our project in the İzmir ETwinning İzmir News bulletin and in the book “Turkey Scientix Ambassadors Project Studies”.


Learning Outcomes

Students learned the causes and consequences of climate change. So, they discovered what they could do to reduce global warming. They became aware of the vegetation around them and realized the importance of biodiversity. On the other hand, their digital competencies have improved,

Sustainability with “Terra Mission”!


The learning scenario “Teaching Sustainability through the “Terra Mission” educational material aims to encourage young students to reflect on the importance of the trees for our planet and the environment and discuss about deforestation and alternatives to prevent it. Through multiple activities, students will use digital tools and and will express their opinion through critical thinking. As a result, they will enrich their knowledge and enhance their skills.


The scenario is about teaching sustainability through the “Terra Mission” educational material. Students will learn about the importance of trees and the consequences of deforestation. They will enrich their knowledge about the process of photosynthesis and how trees contribute to oxygen’s production. They will also express their opinion, collaborate through STEAM activities and have fun!


1st activity: “If our planet had feelings”

Students are watching the video “A sick planet” and are asked to write in Mentimeter three words that will describe how they would feel if they were planet Earth. After that we discuss all answers and students express their opinion about what their fellow students wrote.

2nd activity: Let’s talk about trees with “Terra Mission”

The teacher takes a piece of paper, writes something, scrunches up the piece of paper and throws it away. Right after that shows the students the presentation from Terra Mission at Gynzy and asks: “Why is it a shame to just throw a piece of paper away?”, “What is paper made of?” or “What do you know about trees?”

Then, on “Tierra Mission” presentation at Gynzy students complete the parts of the tree. They discuss the prerequisites which form a forest and how trees produce their own food.


After that, they watch the “Photosynthesis video” and discuss their answers.

3rd activity: Working on “Tierra Mission” worksheet

Students complete exercises 1, 2 and 3 and also do the quizzes in slides
17 & 18 in Gynzy’s presentation. Then, they complete the Terra Mission “Trees” Worksheet, which can be found here.

4th activity: The giving tree

Students will watch the video “The Giving Tree”, which narrates Shel Silverstein’s fairy-tale. After that they will express their opinion about what changes as the little boy grows up and how does the apple-tree feel as time goes by. They will, also, describe all the things that the apple-tree gives to the boy. In this way we talk about all the benefits that the trees and the forests offer to our planet and about which human actions have led to deforestation.

5th activity: Giving trees made of recycling materials

Finally, students create their own “giving trees” using recycling materials.




STEM refers to a process where we produce solutions to daily life problems beyond interdisciplinary work in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Therefore, it is our most important responsibility to be with our students when they face the problems of daily life.

Our most important problem today is that our colleagues and children in Ukraine are being persecuted before the eyes of the world.

As the STEM Applications With ADDIE Project team, we asked our students a daily life problem. They told us about the invasion of Ukraine. When we asked what kind of a solution we could come up with, they said that we could build a bridge that would save them and support them.

Based on this great idea, we built bridges of love, peace, and friendship from our countries to Ukraine with the participation of many European countries.

With an international and intercultural perspective, our students experience both the happiness of working with each other and the pride of producing solutions to problems.

Analyzing the problem and producing alternative solutions in problem-solving processes is the most important skill to be taught today.

With this activity, our students did not only do a STEM activity but also a peace movement. It was very important to be able to write peace to their small hearts and big ideas with such a job.

Our project not only developed a training program but also carried out important studies in STEM discovery week activities by producing solutions to problems in cooperation. We just wanted to share the bridge of friendship with you.

Wishing for a world where friendship and peace prevail…


As the Earth’s climate warms, the polar ice caps continue to thaw. Human activities have enormous impact on the climate. Especially in the Arctic, these effects are seen more rapidly and in 2040, we will see summer season without ice in the Arctic.The disappearance of glaciers can have deadly consequences for the creatures that live, breed and hunt at the poles. This is a serious problem for all people. Both, rising sea levels and melting glaciers, will cause serious problems in coastal cities, as well as the change in components of the ocean, such as food chains will be turned upside down.

With our TEENS ON POLE eTwinning Project, we drew attention to the change in climate and poles and we investigated its effects on the earth’s atmosphere and living ecosystem. Thus, we tried to explain the work that needs to be done for the threatened future, which is our common concern, showing why it is necessary to protect the environment, with the new concept of sustainability.

TEENS ON POLE is an international eTwinning project. The aim of our project is to investigate the impact of changes in the poles on the entire living ecosystem and the world. Additionally, our goal is to leave a liveable world for new generations, develop environmentally sensitive curricula, and get new environmental ideas with sustainable development education. Instilling this awareness and raising conscious individuals who respect nature, also means investing in the future.

It is possible to raise environmentally sensitive individuals by enabling them to interact with environmental problems at the right time and in the right way. Our main goal has been to encourage students to develop curious, creative, responsible and independent ideas while ensuring that students are at the center of the learning process. School teams and mixed country teams were formed in the project, enabling students to participate in different activities to explore climate change and its effects on the poles in different dimensions. All studies were carried out on the basis of inquiry and project and in connection with the objectives.Our project was carried out jointly with schools in Turkey, Albania, Spain, Portugal and Romania. 11 schools and 16 teachers took part in the project, in which 150 students aged 16-19 participated. A total of 5 mixed international country teams worked to draw attention to the effects of climate change in our polar research project. Mixed-country teams studied the effects of global warming on agriculture, wildlife, forest and vegetation, and melting glaciers. Developed solutions for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly life. In line with these suggestions, joint and collaborative studies were carried out by using innovative educational technologies. All these events took place between September and December of 2021. Below are the topics that mixed country teams work with their students in the presence of mentor teachers.

In order to increase awareness, posters that draw attention to the subject were prepared. Here are some of them:

We have also arranged and carried out several activities, you can find some of them below:

1) We watched documentaries about melting glaciers and its consequences.

2) Students contribute to recycling by making eco-friendly paper bags.

3) They carried out awareness studies on ways to reduce global warming.

4) Participated in the European Climate Change Pact with their works.

5) By sponsoring the Deception Island penguins, together we have helped spread the commitment to protect the environment so we can make planet Earth a cleaner, healthier and more balanced place with nature.

6) We interviewed academics traveling to the poles.

7) We have prepared an e-book from the news about the polar regions from the past to the present.

8) We participated in the Sustainable Development Education Webinars to raise awareness about the environment and for a sustainable Environment.

 “Spring Campaign 2022: Education for Sustainable Development – Make Environment Great Again”

Finally, the issue of global climate change was addressed by conducting teamwork between countries, a joint STEM study with students and teachers, as well as by carrying out different activities with students. Additionally, 3D animations were made to increase awareness. By raising awareness about the poles, our students were able to gain a sense of responsibility towards their environment by recognizing their individual characteristics with our project. In this way, they developed problem-solving skills by researching their environment. At the end of our project, they tried to show why it is necessary to protect the environment with a new concept of sustainability, which is our common concern, as well as the work that needs to be done for the threatened future.