Supporting STEM teacher’s in Azerbaijan: virtual classroom tips

Author: Aliya Ahmadova

As many countries close schools and some of them have turned into online teaching, our “STEM in Azerbaijan” project team would like to support the teachers handling remote teaching activities. We are providing useful tips on how to work online and sharing with a list of online tools facilitating the switch from the actual classroom to the virtual environment.

  • In a period of social isolation, cultivating the collaboration skill via digital learning environment can be challenging. It is clear that it is difficult to turn an idea into an innovation without collobration. This support video answers the question: “why it is important to perform STEM activities and build collaborative skills in a time of limited opportunities and social isolation?”.
Video is about how to manage STEM activites in virtual classrooms whith different online tools
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Symmetry in Mathematics and Art

On April 23, 2019, the topic “Symmetry in Mathematics and Art” was presented at Teodor Trayanov’s 10th School in Sofia. During the hour Neda, Koya and Toni introduced the students of the 5th grade with several types of symmetry in mathematics and art. With the help of dynamic resources created with Geogebra, the pupils made an author’s works.

Axial symmetry
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