Information is changing rapidly today. What should we do to keep up with this pace? Is it possible by developing new skills?
In order for information to change rapidly and keep up with this change, it is necessary to be a good digital literate. It is important to be an excellent digital literate in order to understand the digital world, take advantage of opportunities and use technology effectively and efficiently. Digital literacy also allows users to develop cognitive, sociological and emotional skills.
It is very important to have digital competence skills for this adaptation process. So, to be an excellent digital literate it is important to:
- Understanding the digital world
- Taking advantage of opportunities.
- To use technology effectively and efficiently
Pupils need to be proficient in digital technologies to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and produce information. While doing all these, they should also be familiar with the safe use of the internet. Students need to be informed so that they have a basic understanding of ethical and legal issues. Therefore, we can work to increase the digital competence of our students in our classes.
How can we contribute to the development of our students as digital literate? We provide online trainings during the pandemic period because we think that students are passive when learning from distance. That’s why we decided to use web 2.0 tools to enable them. Thus, we wanted the students to develop their cognitive, sociological and emotional skills. Using the reverse training method, students had the opportunity to improve themselves in accessing, using and processing information.
Our work (Digital Science) is an eTwinning project. There are a total of 11 teachers in this project. Our project started in January and is still ongoing.
About the project
Science enables us to understand nature, living things, all beings and existing laws and produce solutions.Digital platforms make it easy to transfer this knowledge and experience.
With the pandemic process, we can continue the lessons with distance education throughout 2020. Although we cannot meet face to face with our students in the classroom at our schools, education is carried out live using digital platforms. With the use of existing blended education models and inverted training techniques, students began to learn how to access information and use skills effectively.
In this process, web2.0 tools are our most important tools in distance education. We want our students, children of the technology age, to get to know web2.0 tools and use them for their purposes. Using digital learning tools (web2.0), they will create content related to the courses or a subject they are interested in and transfer their lessons to the digital platform.
Target of the project (Digital Science)
- To inform students about safe internet use.
- To gain the ability to create digital content.
- A student-centered, active participatory learning environment.
- Using the reverse learning method to accelerate the access of students to information processes.
- İmprove social skills using digital resources.
- Citizens with 21st-century skills.
- Going out of traditional learning methods. (teacher, textbook, student, four walls).
- Development of writing and writing skill.
- Development of cognitive, sociological and emotional skills.
Pedagogical value of our activity:
Our projects (Digital Science) pedagogical values have, Creative, responsible, independent, self-confident, collaborative.
What did we do in our project?
First of all, we chose some topics from our curriculum. Students worked on these topics using web.2.0 tool in our project and organized seminars ( esafety, media literacy and disinformation, science and technology week and world water day) After the seminar pupils prerared poster.
Students made mind maps, word clouds, presentations, virtual exhibitions, posters and exam preparation samples.
web 2.0 tools used in this project: Google Forms, Kahoot, Bitmoji, Genially, Padlet, Wakelet, Blogger, Canva, Quizizz etc.
We share our work with facebook, blog page, instagram and youtube.