Climate Change In Primary School

Why should be Climate Change Education ?

Today, especially with the development of industry, the destruction of nature has reached such points that with global warming, climates have changed, and glaciers at the poles have begun to thaw. Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, forest decline, unplanned urbanization, nuclear waste and similar environmental problems continue to increase. This rapid deterioration of the natural environment is a harbinger of much larger disasters. In order to prevent this situation, measures must be taken around the world and all people must be aware. Sustainability is to ensure the use of natural resources without harming the conditions in which future generations can meet their needs, and to determine an appropriate social order and living standards

The aim of this study is to raise awareness about the causes of environmental problems with the various activities of the students participating in the project. With Climate Change Education, it is necessary to ensure that students both find solutions to problems and organize their lifestyles in order to reduce these problems in daily life..


Our eTwinning project, which was carried out with the participation of 7school teachers and students from  4 different countries, is within the scope of the My World Diary eTwinning Project, in the 2020-2021 academic year; 93 Primary School student (Turkey), 25 Elementary School student (Slovakia), 14 Elementary School student (Italy), 25 Elementary School student (Romania), 25 A primary school student (Greece) was given climate change awareness training.

   In the schools participating in the project, it consists of applications for students participating in climate change awareness education to raise awareness of climate change problems and to produce their own solutions to environmental problems.



At the beginning of the project; teachers completed the Exploring Nature-Based Solutions in Your Classroom course at European Schoolnet.

Students participating in the project were shown videos about problems. After the videos they watched, the students prepared a concept map related to the causes and consequences of climate change. Students took short notes in their learning logs after each activity. They made pictures of what they learned. In this way, students were able to discover the factors that cause problems.

The study continued with students discovering problems that cause climate change at home and outdoors. Students designed solutions for the problems they identified.

They designed a brochure for their parents to help waste electricity and water in their homes. Students made grocery bags from their old t-shirts. Thus, they applied their solutions at home. They grew seedlings from seeds of acorns for their environment.

Students’ work

Concept map – Students design from 5 Countries

Students from different countries came together to prepare concept maps on climate change, public spots for their parents. At the end of the project, the students sang the song c together. Students from different countries came together and prepared the children’s Convention on Climate Change. All students involved in the project signed the contract.

Students Webinar- My World Diary eTwinning Project

   During the activities, students guided only within their needs; their products were evaluated. The climate change awareness training process has been closely monitored with the assessments made.


From 4 countries 182 according to the data obtained from primary school students, students participating in the activities in the draft project have created solutions to the problems they have identified within the framework of the activities they have determined about their wishes.  It has been observed that the solutions and inventions of the students are original and creative. 

   It has been observed that ; Students ‘ imagination and problem-solving abilities develop in the right proportion with these activities. Thanks to the activities, he revealed that students adopt an environmentally friendly lifestyle.

     4- RESULT

Students have observed to explore climate change issues in which they participate. In addition, it has been observed that the education in which students receive suggestions for solutions to the problems they have identified and designs for inventions is at the level of analysis. 

 Climate change awareness education will be given during primary school and will allow students to develop their awareness in this area.

    It has shown that students are more easily transferred to their lifestyles by transferring them to practice rather than theory as thought for these trainings.  

All the visuals and photos belong to the Author – Attribution CC-BY

STEM Education In Primary School

     In Stem education, students integrate science and mathematics courses in the school with other courses. Students make engineering designs using technology. In these studies, students bring solutions to their daily problems in their lives. Through STEM education, students develop their problem-solving abilities.


Our eTwinning project with the participation of 8 school teachers and students from 4 different countries within the scope of ‘Step By Step STEM eTwinning project’; 2020-2021 academic year; 64 primary school students (Turkey), 40 Elementary School student (Slovakia), 32 Elementary School student (Italy), 25 The primary school student (Romania) was given STEM education.

     In the project, sustainability citizenship issues were integrated into the STEM education provided. These STEM activities designed by students, it consists of applications related to creating their own solutions to environmental problems.

    In the schools participating in the project, it consists of applications for students to create awareness by designing solutions to daily life problems and to produce their own solutions to environmental problems.


the requirements of the century have led countries to change their policies in areas such as science, technology, politics, economics and education. Countries now need qualified individuals who produce, question events from different windows. These individuals develop different educational approaches. It is very important that they integrate them into the country system. In fact, the STEM approach is one of the last examples of this worldwide (Karakaya, Avgin and Yilmaz, 2018A).

In other words, STEM is the focus of knowledge and skills belonging to the fields of Science-Technology-Engineering and mathematics on engineering design. It is an educational approach that aims to provide students with interdisciplinary cooperation, open communication, ethical values, problem solving skills using research, production and creativity. (Commandments and Korkmaz, 2016; Karakaya and others, 2018a).

The aim of this study is to raise awareness of the causes of environmental pollution by STEM activities of the students participating in the project. With this education; It is necessary to ensure that students both produce solutions to problems and to ensure that students regulate their lifestyle in order to reduce these problems in daily life.



At the first stage, the teachers who participated in the project received seminars on STEM projects and Scientix projects from Dr. Tunç Erdal Akdur, the scientist Coordinator of Turkey. After the seminar, teachers formed STEM teams in their schools. Teachers designed learning scenarios for the project.

Teacher webinar- Teacher leaned how can design STEM activities

Students who participated in the project learned about the problem in the STEM script. In each learning scenario, a solution to an environmental problem is sought. Scenarios for achievements in countries ‘ curricula 21.built according to Century Skills.

Students watched videos and animations for the event. After the videos they watched, the students created solution suggestions. In this way, students were able to discover the factors that cause problems. Students designed solutions and inventions for the problems they identified. Students from different countries came together and designed various products to raise awareness about environmental pollution.
During the activities; students guided only within their needs; their products were evaluated. The STEM education process has been closely followed with the evaluations made.

Designed online webinars; students, engineers met. At the meeting, the engineers described their profession. Students asked what they were curious about the engineering professions. Thanks to the event, students became familiar with engineering professions.

Students webinar- Students met engineers

The studies were added to the STEM School Label profiles of the schools. At the end of the studies, schools were eligible for the STEM School Label.


   According to data obtained from 151 primary school students from 4 countries, students participating in the activities. In the project draft have created solutions to the problems they have identified within the framework of the activities they have determined about their wishes. In the activities, it was observed that the solutions and inventions of the students were original and creative.

   It has been observed that students ‘ imagination and problem-solving abilities develop in the right proportion with these activities. Thanks to the activities, it has enabled students to both provide solutions to problems and regulate their lifestyle to reduce these problems in daily life.


   It has been observed that students explore environmental pollution problems with STEM education they attend. In addition, it has been observed that the education in which students receive suggestions for solutions to the problems they have identified and designs for inventions is at the level of analysis.


 By providing STEM education during primary school, it will give students the opportunity to both provide solutions to problems and regulate their lifestyle to reduce these problems in daily life.

    It has shown that; students are more easily transferred to their lifestyles by transferring them to practice rather than theory as thought for these trainings.

eTwinning projects.: Nature Protectors
Karakaya, F., Avgin, P. S. and Yilmaz, m. (2018a). Interest of Secondary School students in the professions of fentechnologyengineering-mathematics (FeTeMM). Ihlara Journal Of Educational Research, 3 (1), 36-53.

Commandment, B. and he is not afraid, d. (2016). FeTeMM awareness scale (FFO): validity and reliability study. Turkish Journal Of Science Education, 13 (2),61-76.

My Plan(eT)- Building a space habitat in the classroom

The students, 11 girls and 18 boys, aged 6-7 have participated in an eTwinning project called My Plan(eT) .

The first step for students was to create a profile of a new planet. To achieve that, they applied their knowledge to carry out their tasks. They created products related to their imaginary planet’s special features. They collaborated in order to create joined products. After they chose the name of their planet, they described it and presented the flora, fauna and inhabitants and they built a shelter for the inhabitants of the new planet called Planet Happiness.

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STEM Discovery Week 2018 in our school

This year, in my school, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 9 „Nicolae Orghidan” Brașov, between 26th and 30th of March, an event dedicated to STEM education was organized for providing opportunities for learning STEM topics to young students – aged 6 to 11.

For five days, the students  visited companies, met engineers, doctors or scientists, made experiments discovered on Scientix Resources section and created posters.

On the first day, the students visited the National Bank of Romania headquarters in Brașov in order to understand the relation between STEM and financial education.


In the second day, students aged 10- 11 visited Schaeffler Romania S.R.L . ( Schaeffler Romania is a company which is specialized in industry and automotive. During the visit, the students met STEM professionals, asked questions about the products and saw how the workers and specialist worked together to move the world! Now, they know more about STEM professions.

The third day was dedicated to experiments! The students were teachers for one day: they prepared an experiment and made it with their colleagues. Then, they  presented the conclusions to their peers. All the experiments were made by the children and they enjoyed the activity a lot as they understood better some STEM phenomena!

On Thursday, one student from the local University of Medicine was invited to talk to the children about his future job. He held a course related to human body and hygiene and taught the students how to maintain their health.

 The last day of the week was dedicated to our eTwinning ( and Erasmus + ( projects. The students worked on some STEM activities based on Scientix resources, visited the TS and presented their work to other classes.

Finally, one poster session was organized and the students presented their experience after one whole STEM activities dedicated week.

Join STEM Discovery Week 2018 and tell the world about it! Good luck!

Cornelia Melcu, primary school teacher, Scientix ambassador for Romania