Snowflake Crystals

This activity shadows the eTwinning Project entitled “Adventures of Atmosphere” which was founded with the teachers from Turkey and Italy including Sakine Rüzgar, Enise Ulu Çoğalan, Yıldız Kanlıöz and Eleonora Burnete.

The aim of the project is to engage our students with understanding the atmostpheric events such as snow, rain, hailing, wind or tornado with this STEM challenge.

Age of students: 9-12.

Time: 30’+30’+30’+20

Activity date : Between 12th-16th of April ,2021


Teachers will conduct preliminary investigations in order to help the students in terms of gaining knowledge on cloud formation, snowflake crystals and the role of clouds in the growth of snowflake crystals. Additionally, they will also help them how to explore TRMM images and data; and the role clouds play in the Earth’s radiant budget and climate.

What is Snowflake ?

When people say snowflake, they often mean snow crystal. The latter is a single crystal of ice, within which the water molecules are all lined up in a precise hexagonal array. Snow crystals display that characteristic six-fold symmetry


  1. Being creative to solve a problem,
  2. Knowing how to clearly express their thoughts in an organized way,
  3. Learning how a snowflake grow up in the clouds,
  4. Giving students the opportunity to learn about the fact via snowflakes simulation and hands-on learning
  5. Developing science skills like observation, classification, measurement
  6. Improving foreign language skills.
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