Navigating through information in digital age

Today, the importance of digital literacy has increased with the development of technology. Therefore, it is necessary to protect our next generation students from information pollution and misleading news. We divided our students into four groups at DIGI TV. The first group worked figured out positive and negative information about the news. The second group was an announcer and gave information about safe Internet use. The third group made a presentation about cyber and peer bullying. The last group gave information about conscious digital citizenship. As a result, they learned how to keep up with the digital age with the TV they made.

How did it start?

Our Digital STEM project aims to increase the interest of our students in the fields of science, technology, mathematics and engineering. Apart from this, it is aimed to train students who can think creatively, solve problems and have 21st-century skills by integrating STEM disciplines with each other. In our project, Ayşe attended the safe Internet lesson given in her school. In this lesson, they learned that not every information they heard on every television was correct and that they had to investigate. She decided to tell this information to her brother through play. Upon this, she became a news presenter by making a television.

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