As part of the 2021 STEM Discovery Campaign, events were held using six resources in the Scientix Resource Repository. The events were held between 15 February – 24 March 2021 at Konya Ereğli Science and Art Center with 30 students between the ages of 8-10. As all over the world, schools in Turkey have switched to distance education after February 2020 as part of the fight against the covid19 pandemic. On March 8, 2021, face-to-face training started. That’s why we’ve done some of our activities remotely and some of them face-to-face. Distance education activities were carried out through the TEAMS account defined by our school for teachers and students. Our face-to-face activities were held in our classroom.


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Description of Activities

Event1: The Dancing Doll

Scientix Source Used Here

In this event, a multidisciplinary approach was used to introduce STEM concepts and competencies in different subject areas at the same time, including mathematics, measurement, power, mechanics, numbers, creativity, transfer of comprehension.

A doll figure was used in the resource. Instead, it was stated that we could use any figure. We used the Whirling Dervish figure for this.

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“The Moon Landscape”

“The Moon Landscape”

The activity took place on 22 April 2020

Auther: Stella Magid-Podolsky, STEM teacher and educator in Israel

Scientix resources that were used for this activity:

This activity took place during the week of Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel.  7th grade students were introduced to the sad story of the Jewish boy Petr Ginz and his painting “Moon Landscape” which he drew during World War II while living in the ghetto. Through Petr’s personal story students were introduced to the Lunar Landscape. After that, students studied further about the moon through activities which were taken from Scientix Resource Repository: “Lunar phases” and “Lunar landscape”.

The activity was divided into 4 lessons.

During the lesson number one, students were required to learn about Petr Genz’s biography. They read about his life and his passion for Science and Space and they had a chance to see his painting which he drew before his death in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Also, students were introduced to the special connection between the first Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon and Petr Ginz. At 2003 Ilan took Petr Ginz’s painting “Moon Landscape” with him to the space mission. Unfortunately, he was killed in the crash of the Columbia shuttle.

Students were introduced to the first part of the activity through this website.

After that they got the following assignment:

Look at the painting “Moon Landscape” and answer the following questions:

“Moon Landscape”

A. What feelings do you have as you look at the painting?

B. If you could meet Peter Ginz today, what would you tell him about inventions, innovations and discoveries in space?

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Teach coding with Scientix

In the last decade, there have been intense efforts to integrate STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) at all levels of formal education.  The goal of this effort is to make teachers adopt modern pedagogical methods in the teaching process of Science and the cross-thematic approach which helps students to develop their skills. In particular, through New Technologies, one of the objectives is to introduce computational thinking into education as a “basic skill” to be acquired by all and not just by those involved in Computer Science. Besides “Reading, writing, numeracy, our goal must be to add computational thinking to each child’s analytical capability … as it is directly linked to the problem solving ability and the understanding of human behavior “(Wing, 2006: 33).

Based on this data, Vasileia and Ralia (Scientix ambassadors) decided to implement a 2-hour workshop for primary school teachers. This 2h interactive workshop took place during “Athens Science Festival 2019”, on Friday 5th April 2019. Primary school teachers, beginners but willing to introduce coding to their students, using resources from the Scientix Portal and other platforms, were invited. As the event was held during a Science Festival many adults and children dropped over to take a look. They were also informed about STEM discovery Week, the Scientix portal and the teaching resources it provides and about plugged and unplugged coding activities.

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STEM Discovery Week 2019 at “Zinca Golescu” National College – Pitesti, Romania.

Iuliana Roman – Physics Teacher

This is the second year that our school organizes activities during the STEM Discovery Week.

Between February and April 2019 we have organized 3 extracurricular activities meant to boost the interest of our students towards science in general and Physics in particular.

First activity which took place on the 22nd of March, 2019, was to repeat the Eratosthenes method in order to measure the circumference of the Earth. This activity was carried out by the 7-grade students who measured the length of the shadow cast by a 1-meter stick – gnomon- on the ground. The students had the opportunity to apply what they have learned in their Maths, Geography and Physics classes, to use different sites to perform necessary calculations and to communicate with other foreign students in order to obtain the radius of the Earth.

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