Children are curious and they begin to know and perceive the world at an early age. From the moment they are born, they tend to explore the environment by observing. In the “concrete operations” period, children tend to learn information with the help of materials. The information of children that learned through material becomes more pernament and open to discuss so that’s why we designed a rocket from bottle that will work with water to help our students to improve the interest that they have about space in our eTwinning project “STEM in Space”.
First, we cut a conical cap and glued it as the tip of our plastik bottle and we made support legs from thick cardboard because our bottle was upside down. Then, we placed the relief valve in the cork stopper in such a way that water does not leak into the mouth of the bottle. Moreover, we put about a quarter of the water in the bottle. After that, we pumped air into the bottle with a bicycle pump. The plastic bottle jumped upwards in ten seconds.
To sum up, as we are awere of the importance of using materials during education period and we want to raise the interest of our students in STEM in Space topic, we desinged a rocket that can work with gas pressure. We hope it will be useful for my fellow colleagues and their dear students. I wish you an education life which is full of material learning eduation and of course space interest.
Class: Kindergarten Unit-Subject: WE FIND METALS HIDDEN BETWEEN THE WASTE WITH THE HELP OF MAGNETIC FIELD (Magnet ). Recommended Time: 25×5 minutes
The aim of our project is to raise a new generation that protects our nature. While doing this, it is to use natural resources correctly and to find solutions to daily life problems with STEM skills. To use natural resources correctly and to find solutions to daily life problems with STEM skills. By separating the wastes as metal, plastic and wood with a magnetic separator crane, we have provided the construction of a crane that saves the nature. – Child and nature education Pollution of nature, felling of trees and fires, conscious consumer society, reduction of plastic use, ecological literacy – Facilitating students’ learning with the use of technology -Our goal is to develop students’ cognitive, psycho-motor, language, self-care, social-emotional skills through workshops.
Problem Statement: In order for waste to be recycled, it must be properly separated. Glass waste should be together, plastics should be together, metal waste should be together. Sometimes this may not be possible. All wastes can be found in a mixed state. In such cases, can we easily separate metal wastes from other wastes? How can we separate the waste down to the smallest piece of metal? Engage: The teacher asks the children to bring Newton-related images, paper clips and magnets to the class. A center of interest is created with all the materials brought. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the center of interest. They review the materials that come with the children. The teacher took a pencil and asked, “What will happen if I put down this pencil?” she asks. After the answers received, she puts down the pen. Observing the pencil falling to the ground, “Why do you think the pencil falls to the ground? The question is asked. Ask the children to guess. One day, while Newton was sitting in the shade of an apple tree, an apple fell on his head. “I found it!” he shouts. Well, what do you think he might have found?” Their ideas are taken.
Course Flow:
By examining the pictures about Newton and painting the images, it is talked about that he made many discoveries in the fields of mathematics and physics.
Magnet attracts metals to itself Pulls, pulls. None of them can escape. The magnet immediately finds the metals Pulls, pulls. None can escape
EXPLANATION : A table is placed in an area where children can see it. Paper clips are placed scattered on the table. By moving the magnet under the table, the teacher causes the paper clips to be drawn towards the magnet. “It’s called the law of gravity.” All children are allowed to move the magnet.
We used the project-based learning method GEMS training model.
DEEPENING: Damages caused by wastes to the environment; air pollution, global warming, groundwater pollution, damage to vegetation, fire and explosions. How can we create a design that can easily separate metals from other wastes by taking advantage of the magnetic field effect? Learning by design model and project based learning method are applied . The prepared setup is exhibited and each group presents the design to the other groups.
EXPLORE: Children are told that they are going to play a game to defy gravity. The necessary materials for the game (two tennis balls, two hair dryers, four plastic plates) are prepared. Chairs are placed at the start and end points. Plastic plates are placed on the chairs and tennis balls are placed in the plates at the starting point. Two volunteer students are selected and asked to proceed to the starting point. By starting the machine with the start command, the students are made to turn their mouth upwards and leave the ball towards the air flow in a way that comes to the mouth of the machine. Thus, the ping pong ball stays in the air by itself against gravity. The child who gets the ball into the plate at the finish point without dropping it wins the game. The game continues until all children have played.
Zero waste : We built a crane that collects metal waste
EVALUATION: Afterwards, each group evaluates the design prepared by the other groups. For this, he creates a rubric suitable for each class work and problem situation. Are the magnets large enough to separate metals? (5 points) Are the materials you use in your design solid? (5 points) How original are the materials you use in your design? (5 points)
Author: Scientix Ambassador Gülsüm Atile Hakkı Tatoğlu, Primary School Antalya Turkey
Project Team:
Stanislawa Stepien Kielce, Poland Przedszkole Samorządowe nr 18 w Kielcach
Within the scope of Airbus Foundation Discovery Space “Aerospace in Classroom“, we discussed the topic of “The Importance of Gravity and Aviation” with our students at our school with an education that includes models and simulators, and to raise aviation awareness. We examined gravity-defying birds, planes, and helicopters, discovered vehicles that fly against gravity. After examining the flight mechanisms, we designed our own flying objects.
Aim of the lesson / Learning Objectives
Students understand that the gravitational pull between the Earth and the sun and the moon is very important, that it is almost impossible for us to live without gravity. They research birds, planes, and helicopters that snow on gravity and understand how they fly.
With the rapidly growing technology in line with the needs of people, industry brought ambient problems with it. One of these problems was the pollution that would disrupt the ecological balance, such as air pollution and water pollution. With the disruption of the ecological balance, the lives of aquatic and terrestrial species were also endangered. While the generations of some living things decrease, the human population continues to increase inversely. So with the increasing human population, people must meet their physiological needs and their nutritional needs. Thus, thanks to soil-less agriculture, we have achieved vertical agriculture, ecological balance and efficient production.
NBS topics covered in the learning scenario:
Sustainable Development Green spaces and urban transformation; Economic opportunities and green jobs I asked middle school students aged 10-14 to create a sustainable living space with soil-less agriculture by using waste materials with distance online education in 3 90-minute lessons. Thus, students met the agricultural needs of the growing population. I have enabled them to grow their own crops with landless agriculture in areas where agricultural land has decreased with the decrease of cultivated areas and increase of buildings.
The aim of the project was to enable students to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on rapid growths and changes in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and to realize their projects concretely. Thus, we wanted students without equal chance to closely follow growths and changes in technology, science and engineering. We organize STEM events with our teachers and students from 4 different countries, including Turkey, Croatia, Azerbaijan and Jordan, and 15 schools in our project that we have realized within the scope of the eTwinning project. In this project, we set on our teachers and students to get to know STEM events and we wanted their skills to develop. We applied the Engineering Design Process while doing STEM activities. So In this process, we applied the engineering design process in 5 stages as problem situation, possible solutions, the most suitable solution, model and testing.
In our project, we planned to organize a total of 6 STEM events, two of them in March, April and May. Our events consisted of daily life problems. STEM events in March were to design an earthquake-proof building and an earthquake-proof settling. Our STEM events in April were to design the tallest tower for the water treatment system and signaling problem. STEM events in May were to design the Recycle bag and Space rocket. While explaining the engineering design process, we gave an example of our tallest tower event in April below.