My contribution to the 1st Albanian Scientix Conference

Do you know ?

On 28 April 2018 we, the Albanian Scientix Ambassadors, carried out the first Albanian Scientix Conference. Was it easy? I am sure that while you are reading, you answer “of course not”. But we did it. This is the most important thing that we should remember in the future, more than the difficulties we had to face in order to achieve it.

I am so happy that I could contribute to this conference. In relation to this, my  activity during this conference consisted of two parts: a presentation of the Scientix portal, during which I could tell and show something about the STEM  activity with my students, and also a workshop during which I talked about online events happening on the Scientix portal.

In relation to my first activity, “Scientix portal presentation”, I first showed  teachers how to create an account on the Scientix portal, then I showed all the 9  sections of the portal, with all options inside each section. At the end of my presentation, I showed some pictures of our STEM activity at our school. During  my presentation I invited Albanian teachers to be part of this portal, following its pages on Facebook and Twitter by highlighting that; “Being a digital teacher may be your choice, but being a 21st century teacher is not your choice but a stubborn fact and you cannot do anything to change it”.

During my second activity, I trained teachers how to be part of online events, such as webinars, Moodle courses, how to attend a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and advised them to register on the MOOC “Opening minds to STEM careers”. For this, I invited and taught them how to create an account on the European Schoolnet Academy platform.

After the conference, I have seen many Albanian teachers that attended the Conference, frequently in the Facebook group “Science Teachers in Europe” so I think we did a good job, really we did, and I am happy that I had the possibility  to contribute to this conference. With this conference, we have contributed to increasing the quality of teaching in our education system. This is an important  fact.

STEM education in the forest

Monday 23 April 2018, nature passionate students from Bacau’s Childrens Palace made some investigations about the impact of trees on air quality. They used a special device (an analyzer for carbon dioxide amount) to find out the concentration levels of CO2 on a very busy street in the town. After that, the whole group went into a forest. Here, they measured again the same air quality parameter. The value decreased by 70% compared to the measurements they made in the town. This way, they learned in the middle of the nature about the photosynthesis process and the beneficial role that trees have for humanity.

What’s more, they planted some trees (fir trees) with the support of specialists of Bacau’s Forestry Department.

It was a very good start of STEM Discovery Week! They said with a loud voice “YES to STEM”.

You can have a look at pictures from the activities in a public post here

SDW 2018 event in Azerbaijan-Teacher trainings

“SDW 2018” events for the science teachers from different regions of Azerbaijan were organised, including training activities in science and robotics. During the training activities from 11:00h to 18:00h, teachers learned how to build Arduinio, robot through programming, ICT skills, and effective STEM lesson plans. Nearly 50 teachers of the “STEM  in Azerbaijan” project actively participated in this event, organised at ADA University in Baku.


Thanks STEM, call me a scientist now!


Navigating to relevant activity searches this week, students focused on demonstrative videos from YouTube.

I call my students # My Innovative Scientix.

Such are they, after they tried to be researchers in the subjects of physics and chemistry this semester. They tried to formulate the generalisation of the experiment and test the jumping hypothesis.

They left … Yes, Yes they left.

The exchange of knowledge about atmospheric printing, fluidity of fluids, proportional ratios in mathematics, and errors made in measurements are unquestionably presented to the cellular apparatus and advertised in social groups.

This exchange continues even more throughout STEM (STEAM) Discovery Week. We are competitive, both within the school, the community and the entire European community throughout this scientific week. In the video, students speak in Albanian, one of the oldest languages ​​in the Balkans, but communication through experimentation makes us understand more.

Children feel motivated, look more beautiful, clearer, do not make mistakes on their experimental performance, do not be fooled by mathematical calculus actions, look nice in the picture that they will create a video for the entire experimental school bank …

How much emotions all groups have been followed by this activity …

The special ones, my Albanian scientists!

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