We have witnessed that real life stories appear in similar ways in our home, in our school, and in the news we watch frequently. What could make the heroes in these stories famous? What kind of magic touch can there be behind the merger of reality and imagined? For centuries, science continues to develop by making agreements with many branches of science that can be its companions. STEM was born to transfer the educational dimension of this agreement to the future by questioning and reconstructing it.

Biotechnological developments break grounds in increasing vital opportunities by increasing the services offered to humanity every year. Researchers have reported that biologically 3D printed algae can be used in living tissues as a sustainable source of oxygen for human cells. They embedded bio-printed photosynthetic algae in a 3D hydrogel matrix. The aim was to create honeycomb-shaped tissues with cells derived from the human liver. In the future, the researchers say, the eco-friendly, cost-effective 3D bioprinting approach could be used for applications such as disease modeling, drug development, regenerative and personalized medicine, and even food engineering.

Bu görselin boş bir alt özelliği var; dosya ismi: 20210421_212910.jpg
Artificial organ production with 3D printer
The painting belongs to the author himself -Attribution CC BY
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