Electrict Car

Age range: 5-6

Date: April 2021

Summary: Air pollution is a very important problem today. Electric cars do not cause any harm to the environment. They are environmentally friendly. Eco-friendly electric cars have no exhaust fumes.They do not cause noise pollution. Electric car video was watched with children.We painted different car pictures.


  1. To draw attention air pollution,
  2. Emphasizing the importance of environmrtally friendly vehicles,
  3. To draw attention to noise pollution,
  4. To create the sensitivity of the the students to nature,

Activity 1: Activity 1: Watched the video about global warming. A video about air pollution was watched. We chatted with the children. “What do you think has been done to prevent air pollution?” We tried to find an answer to our problem by showing pictures.


Activity 2: Before the design, a Fishbone is drawn on the board. Children’s ideas about the design are taken. Ideas are written on each line of Fishbone. Children are given pen and paper. They are directed to design for the electric car.

Activity 3: He shows the electric car he has prepared to the children. They examine it together. Shows the materials to the children.


  • Battery
  • Cable
  • Blocks
  • Empty water bottle
  • Wheels


Listen to the Sound of Water

Age range: 5-6

Date: April 2021

Summary:  Climate change is one of the biggest problems of our day and continues globally. It has negative effects on human life, nature, living things and the economy. It also affects water resources. Our goal is to reuse the water resources that decrease with the change of climate.


1. To draw attention to the importance of water

2. Evaluating rainwater

3. To raise the awareness of students about water saving

4. Utilization of waste water

Activity 1: Videos on climate change and the importance of water as a result of global warming were watched. He chatted with the children. “How do we protect our water?” Questions were asked and we aimed to find a solution to our problem with answers.

A selection of pictures is the authors’ own – (attribution CC-BY)
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Plants, My Past and Future Friends


Our life in earth depends on the plants. They are the key food of animals, like us. We, animals, appeared here in earth because plants learned how to create food but plants need water, air and light to create their food. Lack of water is a fact in some parts of our planet; so food is not available and it constitutes a great real problem for so many people over the world, in this project we will try not only to understand why plants are so important.

Aim of the lessons

  • Understanding the way plants obtain their food.
  • Understanding the relation between plants and animals life.
  • Participating in inquiry based science projects: Inquiry project about what plants and animals need for living.
  • Estimating plants and taking care of them.
  • Thinking critically about food problems and migration to better places.

Age of students: 9-11 years


Preparation time: 3 hours

Teaching time: 7 hours

Teaching resources

Materials: Paper, glue, pots, plants, two white flowers, rubber bands, chopsticks, clay, plant seed.

Online tools: PPpoints, video conference, Padlet, Kahoot.

The pictures is the author’s own- (Attribution CC-BY)
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