Author: Ülkü Kale Karaaslan
“Let’s teach and learn STEM” eTwinning project was founded in August 2019 by Ülkü Kale Karaaslan and Ayşe Ünlü.
The aim of the project is to create STEM awareness among preschool teachers and to enable STEM applications from early childhood. Over a hundred female teachers were involved in the “Family Workshop” project where teachers were given STEM training. The teachers who received the training prepared the activity plans according to the 5e learning model in teams and applied them in their classrooms.
The “Family Workshop” (which is part of the project) was planned for the 2020 STEM Discovery Campaigning. On 5 March 2020, it was held simultaneously with 27 provincial 100 schools, 100 teachers, 2020 students and 2020 parents involved. The information on STEM Discovery Campaning has been provided to all participants.
What is STEM to parents? The families designed balloon cars with their children. The cars were tested as a result of the design process. Schools communicated with each other via social networks during the event.
We announced the event on our Facebook group.
The information about the event can also be found in this blog: “Let’s teach and learn STEM”