Author: Ülkü Kale Karaaslan

“Let’s teach and learn STEM” eTwinning project was founded in August 2019 by Ülkü Kale Karaaslan and Ayşe Ünlü.

The aim of the project is to create STEM awareness among preschool teachers and to enable STEM applications from early childhood. Over a hundred female teachers were involved in the “Family Workshop” project where teachers were given STEM training. The teachers who received the training prepared the activity plans according to the 5e learning model in teams and applied them in their classrooms.

The “Family Workshop” (which is part of the project) was planned for the 2020 STEM Discovery Campaigning. On 5 March 2020, it was held simultaneously with 27 provincial 100 schools, 100 teachers, 2020 students and 2020 parents involved. The information on STEM Discovery Campaning has been provided to all participants.

What is STEM to parents? The families designed balloon cars with their children. The cars were tested as a result of the design process. Schools communicated with each other via social networks during the event.

We announced the event on our Facebook group.

The information about the event can also be found in this blog: “Let’s teach and learn STEM”

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“There is STEM at Home” challenge


Author: Çelebi Kalkan

Distance teaching due to Covid-19 outbreak can be challenging. Being Scientix ambassador to Turkey and willing to engage students in STEM education, together with 85 teachers, on 13 April, 2020 we started the challenge project “STEM at Home”. As during the pandemic students are learning from home we wanted them to develop their problem-solving, creativity, communication, presentation and entrepreneurship skills. I joined this challenge with my 7 years old students that are in 1st grade. Please see their works in the video format below.

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Sustainable STEM with Twin Science

Author: Celebi KALKAN

We decided to participate in the 2020 STEM Discovery Campaign during the “Science and Technology week” celebrated in Turkey in March 8 – 14.

We used TWIN SCIENCE materials in our effectiveness because it was the theme of “Innovative Trends in Education” and it contains very creative STEM materials for preschool and primary school students. The name of our project was “TWIN Science Sustainable STEM” in the 21st century, as STEM education aims to develop and deliver innovative solutions to global issues that are directly related to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

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Fethiye Özel Sena Fen Lisesi is here!

Fethiye Özel Sena Fen Lisesi is a private science high-school which is located in Muğla/Turkey. The school and its teachers, themselves, so dedicated to teaching- especially teaching by using different kinds of methods just as drama. Thanks to our Physics and Astronomy teacher Umut Güzel, we have also been hearing all about the recent unusually perpetual teaching and learning method: STEM.

So proud of being the only school-all around Aegean Region in Turkey- that is a part of STEM Discovery Week, here we are, saying YES to STEM!

We are so excited and can’t wait to share our experiences with you. Let’s keep in touch. Best memories yet to come.