-Pictures belong to the auther herself. (Attiribution CC-BY)
It is necessary to raise awareness about ”water saving” affectiong the whole World in todey’s World where digital learning develops and water usage is impotant for providing hygiene. With web2 tools, students should be guided to find everyday problems and solutions while improving their design skills.
SCIENCE: Offers original solutions for the effective and efficient use of home resources. It makes researches and offers solutions to protect the natural environment.
MATHEMATICS: Collects and evaluates data. It makes evalutions with reference to specific events and situations.
TECHNOLOGY: Uses technological products in a way that does not harm themselves, others and nature.
DESİNG: Uses art elements and desing principles while creating visual art work.
Real Life Questions
Water is an exhaustible resource. Drought, climate change, depletion of water resources pose a threat to the continuity of the ecosystem.
To help students find solutions to Daily life problems by using the basic disciplines(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learned in the course.
To reveal the abilities of the students.
To direct students to research and produce by using the knowledge in STEM fields and to gain problem solving skills.
Link to STEM Careers
SCIENCE: Researcher, Climate Analyst, Ecologist, Environmental specialist;
MATHEMATICS: Analyst, Engineer, Information Literacy,
TECHNOLOGY: Computer Engineer, Information Literacy;
ENGINEERING:Technolog Trainer
Students’ age
7-11 Age
Preparation Time: 50 minutes
Duration Of Education: 2 Months
Teaching Resources (Material and online tools)
Materials: Waste materials
Online Tools: Computer and camera.
21 st Century Skills
Developing students’ skills of efficiency, taking responsibility, cooperating, Patience, Reavhing information, curiosity, imagination.
Lesson Plan
-Pictures belong to the author herself.(Attribution CC-BY)
-Pictures belong to the author herself. (Attiribution CC-BY)
p1 st Lesson Cartoons (30 Minutes)
The whole Project team gathered and we watched a movie about saving water. By saying ”Now you are the thrift hunters”, they are told to note the problems they see in their environment regarding water conservation and seek solutions. Students are divided into web2 tools groups according to their interests ( 1. Canva, 2. Answergarden, 3. Word Art, 4. Jigsaw Planet, 5. Chatter Pix)
p2 st Lesson Mıxed Team Meetings (30 Minutes)
Problems encoudtered are discussed in each group. Students desing with the group web2 tool. He leads his friends while his own subject is being taught in the classrooö. The teacher guides the students.
p3 st Lesson Canva (30 Minutes)
The Canva team’s work is Show to students. Explanation of group students are listened. Labels are designed as a classrooö, and students stick the labels at home.
p4 st Lesson Answergarden (30 Minutes)
Students in the answergarden team explain the slogan-making activity to their classmates. The teacher guides.
p5 st Lesson Word Art (30 minutes)
Explains the Word Art Team of the class. Students are asked about the Word and science that comes to mind about water saving. Word cloud is made though the application.
p6 st Lesson Jigsaw Planet (30 Minutes)
The Jigsaw Planet team of the class explains their work in the meeting to their friends. The students are guided to make a Picture about water saving and turn it into a puzzle game.
p7 st Lesson Chatter Pix (30 minutes)
The class’s Chatter Pix team shows off their work in the mixed meeting. The students are guided to make awareness work by making the water visual.
p8 st Lesson We Have Guests (30 Minutes)
The whole Project team gadhered for the STEM Discovery Week. The SCAMPER Technique, which contributes to the creative thinking skills of the students, was introduced and the ”Merge” phase was applied.
Agricultural Engineer Honorable Dr. Meltem Avan, to our students; made a presentation on water saving and irrigation in agriculture. Then he answered the guestions of our students.
p9 st Lesson Have Desing/ I Have Presentation (30 Minutes)
Students prepare product desing or presentations with the web2 they have learned in order to save water. The problems they encounter are discussed. Desing are tested and by students. Students add their designs or presentations to the padlet. An e-Exhibition is held with product promotion videos.
Initial Evaluation
Parent and student survey are applied before the events.
Final Evaluation
Parent and students evatuation guestionnaires are applied.
Students Feedback
In order to internalize the importance of water saving in the classroom. the difference between the first situation and the last situation in the home water bills is evaluated.
Teacher Feedback
The poetry and story work, which are the Project outputs, are given to the students in a book by thanking them.
-Pictures belong to the author herself. (Attiribution CC-BY)
Project Outcomes
1.Public Service:
-Video belong to the author herself.(Attiribution CC-BY)
2.Our eSafety Virtual Classroom: We enable our students to lear by having fun with games about safe internet.
-The slide bongs to author himself.(Attiribution CC-BY)
3 Game Bank: Students Jigsaw Planet web2 tool Works have been turned into a game bank.
-The slide belongs to the auther herself.(Attiribution CC-BY)
Teacher’s Views
We used the lesson plan as a draft in the Project. The teachers planned and applied according to the grade level and needs. The lesson plan was implemented by me without any problems.
For more information and resources:
Resourse and License
All images and videos belong to the author.(CC- BY)
Atıf CC-BY